The Sacraments and Ceremonies



In Holy Communion, one of two sacraments of the United Methodist Church, we remember God's gift of Jesus Christ and Christ's sacrifice on our behalf. We also remember God's grace given to us in our baptism and partake of the spiritual food necessary for sustaining us in the journey of faith. As a sacrament, we believe Holy Communion is a means of God's grace. It is not solely a memorial meal, but is also a time we encounter the Risen Lord through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.



Baptism, one of two sacraments of the United Methodist Church, marks the beginning of the journey of discipleship. It is fundamentally a gift of God's grace (unearned love and mercy). It is a sign of our acceptance by God and our entrance into the Body of Christ, the church. To get in contact with a pastor for baptism email



Weddings can be held in the sanctuary or chapel and will be presided over by staff of FUMC, email for more information.


Funerals and Memorials

Services can be held in the sanctuary or chapel and will be presided over by staff of FUMC, email for more information.



Confirmation is offered during the 6th grade school year (and periodically for youth). Students learn the fundamentals of the Christian faith and United Methodist history. Mission opportunities, church visits, and fellowship activities allow the group to have fun together, serve in missions, and be introduced to youth ministries to facilitate a smooth transition to youth activities in the summer. Check out the youth tab or contact for more information.