Welcome, From our Senior Pastor

It is said that everyone wants to know there is a place they belong, where they are loved and valued, and where their lives have meaning and purpose. Jesus offered that kind of life to all the people he encountered. It was an invitation to a full and authentic life, one that allowed individuals to discover who they were meant to be as part of a thriving and vital community.

First Methodist Sherman offers every person the opportunity to discover who they have been created to be in a safe and friendly environment. If you are looking for a place to belong and to grow, to realize your passions and your gifts, I encourage you to check out the community at First Methodist Sherman.

-Pastor Denise Peckham

All About Us

Sunday Worship Times:

Modern Worship at Mosaic campus at 10:00 am

Traditional Worship in the sanctuary on the main campus at 10:00 am

Office Hours:

Monday 9:00 am-12:00 pm

Tuesday- Thursday 9:00 am-4:30 pm

Closed Tuesday-Thursday 12:00-1:00 pm for lunch

Closed Friday-Saturday

Main Campus Address:

401 N. Elm St. Sherman, TX 75090

Mosaic Address:

118 W Pecan St. Sherman TX 75090

Phone: (903) 893-6514

Email: office@firstmethodistsherman.org

I Am New Here, What Can I Expect?

First Methodist has two Sunday morning worship services; Modern Worship at 10:00 am at the Mosaic campus, and Traditional Worship at 10:00 am in the sanctuary.

  • We have coffee and fellowship in Binkley hall from 8:30-9:00 am before sunday school each week

  • There are adult, youth, and children’s sunday school classes from 9:00-9:45 am check out our ministry pages for details!

  • All services are being live-streamed to Facebook, as well as in-person options for services.

  • Dress: Some folks wear suits or dresses. Some folks wear jeans— come as you are!

  • Children are always welcome in worship, but a nursery is available for children 0-5 years old. Children are vital to the life of the church and their noise is more than welcome. There are child worship bags available with coloring sheets and other activities to entertain the little ones during the service. If you need to/ want to step out at any point during the service feel free to get up and walk around!

  • Our services are about one hour in length. Our atmosphere is casual and friendly.

  • We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month in the traditional services and every week in Mosaic.

  • Parking for Mosaic: street parking is available, DO NOT PARK IN THE LARGE LOT ACROSS THE STREET you will be towed!!

  • You can check out recent service videos here.

  • On the 5th Sunday of the month during the year, there will be one service at 10:30 am and no Sunday school. There will be a luncheon to follow in the CCLC gym

Our Mission

The mission of the United Methodist denomination is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We have been cultivating disciples here in the heart of Sherman, Texas for over 150 years. All United Methodist theology grows out of our understanding of God’s grace – the unconditional, unearned love of God for each one of us. The theology you’ll discover here begins and ends in the love of God. We believe that God desires a relationship with every single one of us. Regardless of who we are, what we’ve done, or where we’ve been.

The love of God towards us is expressed through the concept of grace — God’s unmerited, unearned, and un-earnable gift that forgives our sins and empowers us to live a life of love and service to the world. It is God’s grace that calls us into a relationship, and calls us to community in a congregation of Christ’s Church. It is God’s grace that puts us in a right relationship with God, through the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And it is God’s grace that works in and through each of us, empowering us to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world.

You can learn more about what we believe as you discern what it is that you believe. We would love for you to join us for worship, fellowship, learning, and service.

For more information about the theology of the United Methodist Church, visit www.umc.org


Our values


Inviting you to come as you are to explore a relationship with God through Jesus Christ


Seeking responsible living as a community of faith and in our local community


Growing in our faith through committed discipleship

Who are we?

We are newcomers to Christianity, lifelong Methodists, and former members of many different Christian denominations.

We are young and old, married and single, gay and straight, liberal and conservative, non-conformists and traditionalists, those recovering from addictions, those still battling addictions, and those whose challenges take other forms.

We are imperfect children of God who find meaning and purpose as followers of Christ, and who find authentic community here at FUMC Sherman.

We are people who risk asking the tough questions, who are comfortable wrestling with important issues, and whose identity is shaped by seeking to follow the teachings of Christ as best we can.

We are those who want to be intentional about our spiritual journey, and who believe that it is through Jesus that we find our way to God.


About Membership

Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. - Romans 15:7

We would love for you to make First Methodist Sherman your church home! We host periodic events exploring the meaning of membership. To receive information about the next event, or to talk to a pastor, contact the church office by phone or via email at Denise@firstmethodistsherman.org Exploring membership classes are held as needed at FUMC. Classes are not necessarily required for you to join but are encouraged for all new members. In these classes, you learn about the doctrines, beliefs, and values of the United Methodist Church.

What to expect: You will be asked if you profess your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior and if you will strive to help FUMC live out its mission to welcome, grow and serve others in Christ by your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. The church prays with you and receives you into membership. You are asked to complete a one-sheet membership form and take a picture for our church records. You receive a welcoming packet that gives more information about our church and a small gift from FUMC to welcome you!

To us, joining a church means making a covenant of deeper commitment:

Prayers — covenant to pray regularly (ideally, daily) for the spiritual health and growth of both the congregation and yourself

Presence — covenant to attend worship each week, unless you are ill, working, or out of town

Gifts — covenant to tithe or be growing towards the tithe (and beyond), and to make an annual pledge reflecting this commitment

Service — covenant to support the ministry and outreach of the church by serving in some way, both within the congregation and beyond

Witness — covenant to help foster a culture of invitation, by inviting those who do not have a church home to try First Methodist Sherman